
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Three Little Pigs

Who among us does not know the fable of the three little pigs.  It’s origin is unknown,  but it’s future is infinite.

As the story goes, the 2 laziest of the 3 pigs chose the easy way out and built their houses of straw and sticks.  We know what happened to those houses when the wolf huffed and puffed.  Over they went.  The brick house of the industrious third pig withstood the mightiest  efforts of that mean old wolf to blow it down.  A house built of straw and sticks just will not protect anyone from bad things,  only brick can do that. 

That fable is generations old,  and will continue to be told for generations to come,  as that message is timeless.  I know the times in my life I took a short cut,  there was an un-necessary price I was forced to  pay.  Anyone out there disagree?

I bring the Three Little Pigs fable up because it is completely relevant in today’s economic climate.  While it is true, the topic of economics will put most people to sleep in a New York minute,  choosing to ignore it will not improve the situation.  In conversations with Americans every day,  I’m convinced straw and sticks are the building material of choice for the vast majority of Americans when building their economic houses. If they have no brick house to run to,  the results of the impending inflation to their  nest-eggs will be devastating.  Only the smallest per-centage of Americans are even willing to admit there are serious economic problems on the horizon.  It can be said those are the one’s who chose brick to build their financial house.

The government hopes you won't notice the current slow-motion inflation, apparently hoping to hold back the mad rush of super-inflation until after the 2012 election. If our nation then goes into a super-inflationary spiral,  those straw and stick houses are going to be blown away leaving everyone inside exposed to the ravages of the wolf (super-inflation).  Exactly how it is handled likely depends on who is elected. Either way,  it won't be pretty.

Think carefully.  Is your financial house made of straw and sticks,  or have you done the right and industrious thing and built with brick?  If your answer is straw and sticks,  time is NOT your friend,  the window to rebuild with brick is closing at an ever increasing pace.

I come to you not only to point out the problem,  but I’m offering a solution to the inferior workmanship and materials far too many Americans are using today to protect their nest-eggs.

The tools to build that nice secure brick house are available. Regardless whether your nest-egg is large or modest, an affordable answer to devastating inflation is only a click away.   http://vur.me/wallyp/yW

Wally Pieper
623 695 4654
Skype: hamstation1