
Monday, January 9, 2012


The Shocking Truth About Your Money!
You don't need me to tell you that Wall Street and Washington both have their hands in your pocket.  But here's something you didn't know. They also have a direct line to your bank account. And they plan to make a "withdrawal" several times in the next few weeks. The next one could come in as little as three days. You'll never see it show up on your statement. But this insidious "triple swindle" is very real.

I urge you to read this report that reveals how it works...and how to protect yourself.

Millions of  Americans are completely oblivious to the fact that Washington and Wall Street are robbing them blind.

Are you going to let your hard earned money be “stolen” by our very own government?  In case you haven’t noticed, the U. S. Federal Reserve Bank is in the process of “creating” two trillion dollars to prop up the US and EU economies.  “Creating” in ‘people speak’ means money will be printed and used to buy existing and future debt issued by the U. S. and countries in the EU. The devaluation of the US  Dollar and Euro will affect the value of every currency in the world.  The combination of all that debt and “created” money is going reduce the value of the money you have in your pocket and paper investments to something close to zero. History has shown time and time again, in fact, in 100% of the times, that strategy has failed and creates nothing but massive inflation. (See Weirmar Republic 1920)  Whenever fiat (paper) money is printed (every day), precious metal (gold) values are driven upwards.

Gold bullion is real, honest money...and, many say, the best form of money the world has ever known. Gold is rare, durable and does not wear out in the manner of lesser metals (or paper money!) when passed from hand to hand. A small amount, easily carried, can purchase a significant amount of goods and services. It is universally accepted and can easily be bought and sold around the world. Leading investors and economists such as Marc Faber, Peter Schiff, Warren Buffett and Robert Kiyosaki say that the economy hasn't reached rock bottom yet and will get much worse. They have been recommending that we keep from 5% to 40% of our assets in the form of flexible units of gold or silver, so we in the event of hyperinflation still can acquire essential goods and services.
Experts agree, gold will at least double in value over the next 10 years and they recommend that you invest between 5 and 40 % of your assets in gold. Especially gold from KB INTERNATIONAL is attractive; it is certified and made in ...small units.

KB INTERNATIONAL is FREE to join, and you can reserve a great position. There are NO fees, NO monthly costs and NO obligations to buy gold. To be a KB Affiliate Partner is a great opportunity offered to you. Governments world wide are driving people to GOLD.

Real gold is always better than paper. Gold can now be purchased in bars,  bullion and coins. Bars can now be purchased in denominations as small as 1 gram for about 50 euros ($65 US).

Currently,  over 15,000 retailers worldwide now accept KB gold in lieu of currency. That number is increasing daily. The storage issue has been resolved a long time ago, and since small denominations of bullion and coins are available, most people prefer to take possession. Just a personal choice.

As a KB Agent Partner, you can protect your own assets AND substantially profit from referring people to KB Gold.  There is a team of financial and marketing experts standing by to help you achieve whatever personal and financial goal you desire.

The world’s first and only Private Global Currency Exchange System where:
Fiat paper currency (paper money) can be exchanged for 999.99 Karatbar quality bullion.

Wally Pieper
623 695 4654
Skype: hamstation1