
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Three Little Pigs

Who among us does not know the fable of the three little pigs.  It’s origin is unknown,  but it’s future is infinite.

As the story goes, the 2 laziest of the 3 pigs chose the easy way out and built their houses of straw and sticks.  We know what happened to those houses when the wolf huffed and puffed.  Over they went.  The brick house of the industrious third pig withstood the mightiest  efforts of that mean old wolf to blow it down.  A house built of straw and sticks just will not protect anyone from bad things,  only brick can do that. 

That fable is generations old,  and will continue to be told for generations to come,  as that message is timeless.  I know the times in my life I took a short cut,  there was an un-necessary price I was forced to  pay.  Anyone out there disagree?

I bring the Three Little Pigs fable up because it is completely relevant in today’s economic climate.  While it is true, the topic of economics will put most people to sleep in a New York minute,  choosing to ignore it will not improve the situation.  In conversations with Americans every day,  I’m convinced straw and sticks are the building material of choice for the vast majority of Americans when building their economic houses. If they have no brick house to run to,  the results of the impending inflation to their  nest-eggs will be devastating.  Only the smallest per-centage of Americans are even willing to admit there are serious economic problems on the horizon.  It can be said those are the one’s who chose brick to build their financial house.

The government hopes you won't notice the current slow-motion inflation, apparently hoping to hold back the mad rush of super-inflation until after the 2012 election. If our nation then goes into a super-inflationary spiral,  those straw and stick houses are going to be blown away leaving everyone inside exposed to the ravages of the wolf (super-inflation).  Exactly how it is handled likely depends on who is elected. Either way,  it won't be pretty.

Think carefully.  Is your financial house made of straw and sticks,  or have you done the right and industrious thing and built with brick?  If your answer is straw and sticks,  time is NOT your friend,  the window to rebuild with brick is closing at an ever increasing pace.

I come to you not only to point out the problem,  but I’m offering a solution to the inferior workmanship and materials far too many Americans are using today to protect their nest-eggs.

The tools to build that nice secure brick house are available. Regardless whether your nest-egg is large or modest, an affordable answer to devastating inflation is only a click away.   http://vur.me/wallyp/yW

Wally Pieper
623 695 4654
Skype: hamstation1

Wednesday, July 20, 2011



By Damon van der Linde – Exclusive to Gold Investing News

Gold hit $1900 in London this morning and silver $40

As worries of inflation loom over the global economy – from China and India, to the United States and the European Union – more and more private investors are turning to gold as a safe place to keep their wealth, pushing the precious metal’s price over $1,600 an ounce.

Though many analysts are projecting inflation as the likely scenario in the coming future, the World Gold Council says that the metal is an important addition to any portfolio, regardless of the global economic future.

A growing demand for gold is emerging from Asia, while European central banks are holding on to their substantial reserves in the midst of a potential global financial crises.

These are difficult - indeed exceedingly dangerous - times for the global economy and whether or not the politicians and central bankers can bring us back from the brink has to be questionable.  In such times of uncertainty gold is likely to maintain its historical pattern of being the investment choice to preserve wealth,  and silver will likely follow suit on gold's back.

Heed the clear warning signs here  and protect what's left of your ever dwindling nest-egg, before the dollar collapses even further, rendering dollar-denominated assets VIRTUALLY WORTHLESS! 

EVERY financial expert in the world expects it to happen, and they're taking the necessary steps to protect their wealth, shouldn't you too?

Please accept my invitation to visit the site of the worlds first and only private global currency exchange system that developed the most affordable gold acquisition plan in the world.


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Your Disappearing Dollar

You can’t pick up a paper, turn on a radio or tv and not hear dire economic predictions. Unfortunately, that is a sign of the times. Quite simply, the US and Global economies are in the worst shape in history. The practice of politicians, world wide promising, and delivering “social enhancement” programs, (buying votes) with no thought or concern of how those programs would be paid for. That my friends, is a practice that has gone on since the end of WWII by all political parties in countries across the globe. The hackneyed idiom “the chickens are coming home to roost” accurately sums up the US and global economic scene today. The bills on all those decades of un-funded promises are all coming due and there isn’t enough money to pay the bills.

When that happens, what can a government do? The first step is enter the global debt pool. They borrow money, and borrow, and borrow until the world banks and lenders say, NO to future borrowing.( see Greece, Iceland, Spain, Portugal, Ireland) The next step in the process is the ramping up of the printing presses. Just print more money to pay the bills. That works for a while, until the inevitable devaluation caused by too much currency chasing the same products and services creates civil un-rest (see Greece, United Kingdom, Turkey, Zimbabwe).

The term inflation is mis-cast. Inflation indicates that something is getting larger. When news outlets use the common term “inflation”, they are saying that prices are going up. The true fact is the value of the product or service has remained the same, it’s just that more currency in the economy devalues the currency overall requiring more currency to buy the same product or service.  Therefore, the more accurate term is currency devaluation. It’s not as “pretty” a term, so main stream media avoids that in favor of “inflation”.

Closer to home, what does that dollar devaluation look like in real time.  Pres Nixon in 1971  unilaterally canceled the direct convertibility of the United States dollar to gold that essentially ended the existing Bretton Woods system of international financial exchange. That act opened the door to the most reckless 40 years of government spending ever seen in this country, and around the world. Since that date, the 100 cent dollar has diminished in value to 18 cents.  Gold was the anchor that kept the dollar sound and solid. Gold’s removal as that anchor converted the dollar to another piece of paper with pictures and symbols. It’s only a matter of time before the dollar reaches it’s true value of zero. Gold in the meantime has risen in value from $35 to $1550 or 98% increase.  

In 1971, only a scant few people were farsighted enough to buy some gold as a hedge against what they knew would be future dollar devaluation. A $1,000 purchase of gold then would be worth $44,286 today.  Let’s see, a person could convert $1,000 to $180 or take that same $1,000 and convert it to $ 44,000.  

What did you do??? 

Even at today’s prices,  gold is still the only store of value that has a 6,000 year run which outdistances the longest running fiat, paper currency by about 5,900 years. With that track record, is it any wonder central banks worldwide are net buyers of gold. In fact the University of Texas endowment fund just purchased 1 billion dollars worth of gold replacing dollar based investments.

"WE'RE IN THE TERMINAL STAGES OF THE WORLD'S MOST GIGANTIC PYRAMID SCHEME," set to vaporize the assets of the average citizen.

Heed the clear warning signs here  and protect what's left of your ever dwindling nest-egg, before the dollar collapses even further, rendering dollar-denominated assets VIRTUALLY WORTHLESS!

I am affiliated with the worlds first and only private global currency exchange system that developed the most affordable gold acquisition plan in the world. If you want to protect your nest-egg from the inevitable erosion in value and hedge a portion with gold on an affordable basis, this site tells the complete story on the most affordable gold purchase plan in the world.

For additional help, visit  wally@wallypieper.ws  or  

Skype:  hamstation1 or Phone: 623 695 4654

Since it's free to enroll with no cost or obligation now or in the future, any reason not to enroll today? It's easy. After visiting the site, hit back arrow and proceed to this page: 

and fill in a few spaces, hit submit button, complete captcha and hit send. 

P.S.  With a single click on a button, you can also have an incredible wealth building program by just helping other people protect their nest-eggs just like you did.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Our Crashing Economy !

I write to you today with a tremendous sense of urgency. The spiraling crisis in the Middle East could spark a major leg down in the U.S. dollar and a new cycle of skyrocketing gas and consumer prices.

We're already seeing gas prices rise daily. Food prices are creeping up too. Make no mistake, inflation is back big time, and it's poised to get worse. MUCH WORSE.

That's why I implore you to consider hedging your soon to be worthless fiat (paper) assets with gold or silver. If/when it all turns bad, gold and silver will be your storehouse of value. I can’t recommend strongly enough to take the basic steps I’ve previously outlined. The window is closing a little more each day. Waiting  is a suicidal act of financial lunacy that defies all logic.

Despite the latest shift in Congress, top economists warn that the steady erosion in the value of our dollars and the crushing weight of national debt have already moved the U.S. to the verge of financial chaos...


In case any of you think I’m making this up, here’s a sampling of what the real experts say.

...came the belated, sobering assessment in The Wall Street Journal from Columbia University Prof. Robert Mundell, Ph.D., a mainstream Nobel laureate – widely-regarded as the world's top currency expert. While Dr. Mundell warns that we're teetering at the edge of an unprecedented global debt crisis, other respected monetary experts concur:

"WE'RE IN THE TERMINAL STAGES OF THE WORLD'S MOST GIGANTIC PYRAMID SCHEME ," set to vaporize the assets of the average citizen.

Heed the clear warning signs here  and protect what's left of your ever dwindling nest-egg, before the dollar collapses even further, rendering dollar-denominated assets VIRTUALLY WORTHLESS!

Our Gold Savings Plans are unlike any other anywhere in the world!

This site tells the complete story on the most affordable gold purchase plan in the world. >>>>>     http://vur.me/wallyp/yk

After watching video, hit back arrow and return to this page: 
http://vur.me/wallyp/yl   and fill out a few spaces.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The U.S. Dollar Is Dying a Death of a Thousand Cuts.

As the Fed continues down the path of stimulus, quantitative easing, and trillions of dollars of US Debt purchase,  discussion over hyperinflation intensifies. Already, trillions of dollars have been printed and pumped into the economy and the question arises – Does all this new baseless fiat money cause inflation? YES! YES! and YES!

The Inflation Warnings are Flashing!

Do Americans see those warnings? NO! NO! and NO!

Warning #1 - Gasoline Could Hit $7 per Gallon - Will Food Follow?

Printing money destroys the dollar's purchasing power. Just one reason Eric Bolen of Fox News and Fox Business warns of $7 per gallon gasoline ahead. Can you afford to have your food and energy bills double? When the dollar loses, guess what?  Gold Wins!

Warning #2 - Prepare for a Market Crash!

Adjusted for inflation, stocks have already lost 20% of their value in the last decade. Gold meanwhile tripled in value.  Now Paul B. Farrell, in a recent MarketWatch article, tells us stocks are headed for another a meltdown. Learn how diversifying with gold may be your best protection against it.

Warning #3 - Your Savings and Retirement Accounts Could Become Worthless!

From Egon von Greyerz of Matterhorn Capital Management . . . We now live in a world where governments print worthless pieces of paper to buy other worthless pieces of paper that combined with worthless derivatives, finance assets whose values are totally dependent on all these worthless debt instruments. Thus most of these assets are also worth-less. Learn how to back your savings and retirement accounts with gold.

Will Inflation Trigger a New, Stronger Gold Bull Market?

Even while the chairman of the Federal Reserve plays down the inflation threat, uncertainty amongst investors is growing. More and more people are turning to gold to hedge against the potential ravages inflation can bring to the purchasing power of their dollars and their retirement accounts.

Will History Repeat and Send Gold Prices 1700% Higher?

Could we be looking at  $7,000 Gold?

Looking ahead we cringe at the thought of another tumultuous decade like the one past. One that saw markets crash, housing values collapse and the great wipeout of many savings and retirement accounts.

No one imagined the crisis that ensued . . .

It was easy to say, "what's there to prepare for?"

Now, uncertainty is the rule of the day and no longer does it require any imagination to see that rising deficits, exploding debt and a crashing dollar, put gold in line for a repeat performance of the last 10 years.

If it does, herein lies the case for gold at $7000/oz. or higher. Are you prepared?

Please take a few minutes to review the information contained on this site.  It quite possibly could be the most valuable few minutes you have ever spent.

This site tells the complete story of the most affordable gold purchase plan in the world. >>>>> http://vur.me/wallyp/yk

After watching video, hit back arrow and return to this page:
http://vur.me/wallyp/yl  and fill in a few spaces.