
Sunday, April 3, 2011

The U.S. Dollar Is Dying a Death of a Thousand Cuts.

As the Fed continues down the path of stimulus, quantitative easing, and trillions of dollars of US Debt purchase,  discussion over hyperinflation intensifies. Already, trillions of dollars have been printed and pumped into the economy and the question arises – Does all this new baseless fiat money cause inflation? YES! YES! and YES!

The Inflation Warnings are Flashing!

Do Americans see those warnings? NO! NO! and NO!

Warning #1 - Gasoline Could Hit $7 per Gallon - Will Food Follow?

Printing money destroys the dollar's purchasing power. Just one reason Eric Bolen of Fox News and Fox Business warns of $7 per gallon gasoline ahead. Can you afford to have your food and energy bills double? When the dollar loses, guess what?  Gold Wins!

Warning #2 - Prepare for a Market Crash!

Adjusted for inflation, stocks have already lost 20% of their value in the last decade. Gold meanwhile tripled in value.  Now Paul B. Farrell, in a recent MarketWatch article, tells us stocks are headed for another a meltdown. Learn how diversifying with gold may be your best protection against it.

Warning #3 - Your Savings and Retirement Accounts Could Become Worthless!

From Egon von Greyerz of Matterhorn Capital Management . . . We now live in a world where governments print worthless pieces of paper to buy other worthless pieces of paper that combined with worthless derivatives, finance assets whose values are totally dependent on all these worthless debt instruments. Thus most of these assets are also worth-less. Learn how to back your savings and retirement accounts with gold.

Will Inflation Trigger a New, Stronger Gold Bull Market?

Even while the chairman of the Federal Reserve plays down the inflation threat, uncertainty amongst investors is growing. More and more people are turning to gold to hedge against the potential ravages inflation can bring to the purchasing power of their dollars and their retirement accounts.

Will History Repeat and Send Gold Prices 1700% Higher?

Could we be looking at  $7,000 Gold?

Looking ahead we cringe at the thought of another tumultuous decade like the one past. One that saw markets crash, housing values collapse and the great wipeout of many savings and retirement accounts.

No one imagined the crisis that ensued . . .

It was easy to say, "what's there to prepare for?"

Now, uncertainty is the rule of the day and no longer does it require any imagination to see that rising deficits, exploding debt and a crashing dollar, put gold in line for a repeat performance of the last 10 years.

If it does, herein lies the case for gold at $7000/oz. or higher. Are you prepared?

Please take a few minutes to review the information contained on this site.  It quite possibly could be the most valuable few minutes you have ever spent.

This site tells the complete story of the most affordable gold purchase plan in the world. >>>>> http://vur.me/wallyp/yk

After watching video, hit back arrow and return to this page:
http://vur.me/wallyp/yl  and fill in a few spaces.

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